First experienced by Sally on her maiden voyage to Cuba in 2016, the idea of the “Paladar” has never left her mind. While wandering the streets of Havana in search of something to eat she and her husband were approached boldly by a man, menu in hand, and invited into his home.

Not quite sure what was happening, but always up for an adventure, the couple followed the gentleman up several flights of crumbling stairs into an apartment where there was a modest, but beautiful table for two set up by the window that looked out over the main square. Chicken was on the menu, with rice and beans and a small selection of drinks. How exhilarating! It wasn’t just a unique dining experience. Without knowing the rich history of the Paladar in Cuba, it was clear to the couple that this would not happen other places.

The freedom for creative expression and to earn ones living from the food that was cooked and shared by the family was an energetic and spiritual experience that affected them deeply. To open one’s home to the stranger is freedom. And a privilege. Also for the Cubanos. While we know that the circumstances aren’t the same, it is in the spirit of the “paladar” that we open up the doors of The Pink House to serve you.